What Types of Batteries Should I Recycle?

Read the Homeowners Guide to Proper Household Battery Management on the link below. https://www.state.nj.us/dep/dshw/recycling/batteries.pdf Recycle all Rechargeable Batteries • Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) • Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) • Lithium Ion (Li-ion) • Nickel Zinc...

Compact Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Locations

Did you know that some Home Depot and Ikea stores take back CFL bulbs when you are done with them? Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are generally accepted for recycling at the following Home Depot Locations: Elizabeth 977 W Grand Street Elizabeth, NJ 07202 908-259-2600...

Say Goodbye to Water Bottles!

Use a water filtration pitcher instead and reduce your carbon footprint. Its cheaper, safer and more ecological than plastic water...

Families Can Conserve Water Together

See how together, a family can decrease their household water usage. After watching the video below, you can download water conservation coloring books in English and Spanish. Have fun educating your children and grandchildren with these wonderful tools....

Together We Can Help Reduce Waste!

IN STORES: • Shop for products made with recycled materials. • Buy items with less packaging. • Buy refillable, reusable containers. • Bring reusable cloth or canvas bags to the grocery store. • Buy only what you need or what you know you will use (applies to food as...