About The PMUA...
The PMUA is responsible for operating and maintaining (inspecting, cleaning and repairing) some 110 miles of the City sanitary sewer collection lines and several sewage pumping stations.
PMUA also offers comprehensive solid waste services for single and multi-family residential units which include:
*Twice per week collection of household garbage.
*Weekly collection of recyclables.
*Scheduled collection of household bulky waste.
The PMUA provides container collections services for large apartment complexes, institutions and public agencies. We also collect waste
from Plainfield Municipal Buildings, street cans and city parks.
The PMUA maintains and operates the Rock Avenue Waste Transfer Station as part of the City’s Solid Waste Utility.
The PMUA is a community leader in outreach programs to increase recycling, reduce litter and clean-up public areas. The Authority works cooperatively with other City agencies on many projects to promote reinvestment of resident dollars in the Plainfield community.
The PMUA is both a service and regulatory agency responsible for sanitary sewer collection and treatment services, as well as solid waste collection and disposal operations throughout the City.
The PMUA administers, monitors and is responsible for developing, implementing and enforcing rules and regulations concerning the City of Plainfield’s entire waste flow in compliance with City, County and State rules and regulations.