Check Calendar
for No Garbage Collection due to the Holidays







Sewer Inspections

Don't Pour Grease Down The Drain...

When grease enters the sewer system through household drains, it sticks to the insides of the sewer pipes (on your property and in the street). Overtime it builds up and blocks the pipes completely, causing a sewer backup.


Where Grease Comes From:

  • Deep Frying
  • Shortening
  • Food Scraps
  • Margarine
  • Cooking Oil
  • Sauces
  • Meat fats
  • Butter
  • Lard

What It Costs You

  • Raw sewage overflowing into your homes, yards, streets, and parks.
  • An EXPENSIVE and unpleasant cleanup that the homeowner is responsible for.
  • Potential contact with disease-causing organisms due to improper cleanup.
  • Damage to home interiors.
  • Higher sewer bills due to increased maintenance costs for the PMUA, from repeated cleaning of sewers in streets.

How To Dispose Of It

  2. Instead, pour unwanted grease and scraps into a cup, can, or small container (preferably with a lid) and throw in the GARBAGE. NOTE: You can also freeze it (less mess)
  3. Wipe out greasy pots and pans with a paper towel before washing them. Discard the paper towel in the GARBAGE.

If you are having a sewer emergency, contact the PMUA Sewer Department at: (908) 226-2590 or (908) 226-4925. After 3:30 pm please contact the Plainfield Police Department at: 908-753-3112.