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Do You Have a Home Recycling Plan?

Are you reluctant to take the extra time and effort to separate and sort recyclables, possibly because you find recycling difficult or confusing? If this is the case, the PMUA would like to help.

Do you know that recycling can help reduce the damage done to our environment created by our carbon foot print? We all would like to live a healthier life. Together, we can craft a cleaner world by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling and at the same time, you can save yourself some money.

We suggest that you take the first step in maintaining a healthy environment by practicing proactive recycling habits. This can be done by designating certain garbage bins in your home that are clearly labeled with the items that can be put into them. For example, a container should be designated for paper and another container for cans, bottles and cardboard food containers. These containers should be easily accessible. By placing them close to your regular trash bin, it may encourage you to separate your waste more easily.

Another tip is to take a look around your home to seek out ways to reduce the amount of waste that you and your family generate. This could be as simple as using dish towels and sponges instead of paper towels. Refrain from using paper plates and cups. What about purchasing reusable shopping bags instead of using plastic and or paper bags to transport your groceries? There are so many ways to reduce what we use on a daily basis. We just need to take the time to stop and think about it.

Reusing is another simple way to help achieve a greener society. By using the back of a piece of paper or old school papers for children to color on is one such example. Passing down and giving away old clothing, furniture, toys and books, we can reuse products that we no longer need. By reusing items that we already have, we contribute to our environmental health by preserving natural resources that are used to produce new materials. In addition, by creating fewer products for consumption, less trash will ultimately wind up in our landfills because we will generate less waste.

The PMUA encourages Plainfield residents to follow some of the suggestions mentioned above. Do not hesitate to call the PMUA at 908-226-2518 if you need further assistance implementing an attainable recycle plan for your home. We can all make a difference by being mindful. Let’s join together to make the Queen City a Greener City.


3R's of Recycling



  • Reduce the amount of unnecessary packaging when purchasing products.
  • Adopt practices that reduce waste.



  • Consider reusable products.
  • Maintain and repair durable products.
  • Reuse bags, containers, and other items.
  • Borrow, rent, or share items used infrequently.
  • Sell or donate goods instead of throwing them out.



  • Choose recyclable products and containers and recycle them.
  • Select products made from recycled materials.
  • Compost yard trimmings and some food scraps.