Are you a member of a community group, neighborhood block association, or a member of a church in Plainfield? How about a teacher, troop leader or a facilitator of children’s programs? If so, we welcome the opportunity to come speak to your group. Let us share information on our services and provide tips on recycling. We'll personalize our presentation based on your individual needs. Call the PMUA at (908) 226-2518 and ask for Public Information or e-mail [email protected] to set up
a visit.
PMUA prides itself on being involved in our community. Helping to make Plainfield a desirable place to live and work, the Authority takes part in public initiatives that benefit our citizens. Below is a snap-shot of our outreach efforts.
- Helping Hands Employee Holiday Glove Drive
- Socks for Seniors
- Annual Environmental Fair
- School Presentations
- Block Association Presentations
- Christmas in July
- Earth Week Library Park Clean-Up
- Annual Shred Mobile Event
- �Go Green� Annual Student Contest
- �From Trash to Treasure� Annual Summer Camp Contest
- PMUA Customer First Initiative
- Partnered with PSE&G to Promote Energy Savings Programs